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This page dedicated to my time with Cole and Volmex finance.

  One of the biggest betrayal in my life than any other I got (so far) while working for someone else. He took all of my work and raised $1m as investment and then presented me a difference contract. He owes me sum > $100,000 and I am still suffering from this for the last 4 years.

Link to my Story (pdf): "My Time with Volmex and Cole"

  He threatened to take legal action against me after I tried to tell 2 of his initial Investors about his wrong doings and then I gave him chance to pay me of my Invoice but he lied to me again and even though I lost my patience with him I still gave him once last chance but he didn't appeared to his own created meeting and didn't replied again.

  I am posting this to clear my mind and help anyone understand a snake buried beneath, that can fool others for a long time before poisoning them. But that will never be enough for the time I lost and the anxiety and depression it caused to me and my family.

First contract we signed (pdf): "The contract"

The contract he tries to replace me with after(pdf): "The contract"

My first Invoice to him after he agreed to pay (pdf): "Invoice"

My invoice now (pdf): "Invoice"